My Days in the Sun

I am reaching new levels of understanding as I face changes. We all face changes each day, some large and some small. Some cause us stress and some cause us joyousness.  I seek the idea that this could be joyful and turn away from the stress when I can.  Honestly, I am not sure I can find joy hidden in this yet.  Maybe as it gets better I will look back at these posts and laugh at my fear and anguish.

Anguish, that is the first time I ever recall using that word in written form.  It is the best term for me today as I break yet another rule of early morning entry and type tonight.  Tonight for the mere fact that I was in an active social situation this evening and I found myself skipping around on conversational topics.  I hope they did not realize that I was doing that but then again conversation do tend to go lots of directions in the environment I was located.

I will now reflect on the day.  Typical morning if my memory serves me. Kids came to tend to animals, daughter had to leave town for a special K-9 search need, had a doctor appointment and kids had a fundraiser to work.  Came home put animals to bed and cursed out a goat.  My morning was spent saving my energy for later so I did not really begin my day until 2 pm.  Sat around a lot and intermittently swept the floors.  OK that is not a memorable day but there are several things that happened that require action tomorrow.

Tomorrow plan will be calling insurance to see if they will cover some items needed.  How will I remember this?  Well, I put it on my granddaughters to remind me.  I stressed how important that is.  I see we are back to needing a “to do list” so I could have written it down and trigger my own memory.  I need to fill out raffle tickets for a friend who paid for them tonight.  How will I remember that….well I folded that money in an odd shape in hopes that it triggers my brain.  I have done that for many years as so many people pay me for events that I organize and I never want to mix that money with mine.  Since it is an old trick I am sure I will remember it tomorrow but just in case I did tell one of the children to recall it for me if I ask.

How could this happen to me?  I mean do you have any idea how many times in my life I have organized events for kids, or training events for adults, or educational opportunities for children?  I can work a busy shift in the ICU and recall the whole day weeks later right down to specific lab values if significant enough.  I think I am  a shining example of a complete woman who can work a job, multitask a girl scout meeting, teach two grade levels at one time, and a variety of other miraculous possibilities.  I am no grub on this earth but a well root tree that spread wide underground to support many branches as they reach for the sun.

A song comes to mind as I type tonight.  I hope I can get the lyrics right… at least the part I want to emphasize to express my emotions.  It is from Cats called Memories….

“Daylight, I must wait for the sun light. I must think of a new life and I mustn’t give in.

When the dawn comes tonight will be a memory too. And a new day will begin. ….. …..

touch me it’s so easy to leave me all alone with my memory of my days in the sun. “

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